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Contact (Right To Know)

Township Office

P.O. Box 276

250 Anchorage Road

Saylorsburg, PA 18353

Phone: 570-992-4990

Email: rosstwp@rosstwpmcpa.gov

Welcome to  the webpage of the Office of Open Records for Ross Township.  The Office was created as the result of Senate Bill1, Session of 2007; Act 3 2008 know as the “Right -to-Know Law”  The purpose of the legislation was to provide greater access to public information, provide for an appeal procedure if access is denied and to  impose penalties.

In compliance  with Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law, the Township has a policy in place for access to public records by any citizen requesting to view or purchase copies of Township records.  There is a form that must be completed and will be reviewed by the Open Records Officer and the requester shall receive a response within 5 business days.

If the access request is approved, the public record shall be available during business hours, Monday through Friday 9 AM to 4:00 PM, with the exception of holidays.  Should you request photocopies, facsimile, certified copies, and copies of CD of any document, there will be a fee charged, plus mailing costs, if applicable.

If the request is denied, the requester will receive a notice and the reason for denial and the right to appeal.

Right To Know Request Form 2020

Open Records Officer

P.O. Box 276;  Saylorsburg, PA 18353

250 Anchorage Road, Saylorsburg, PA 18353

Phone: 570-992-4990

Email: rosstwp@rosstwpmcpa.gov

Pa. Open Records Agency  www.openrecords.state.pa.gov/Documents/RTKL/RTKRequestForm.pdf or www.openrecords.state.pa.gov/Documents/RTKL/RTKRequestFormdocx